Visa Types: Permanent Resident
Processing Time: 8-10 Months
Application Region: In and out of Canada
Advantages: Fast processing, Canada covers a wide range of immigration categories, work experience bonus, no employer support required
Suitable For: Technical Worker / International Student / Highly Linguistic / Work Experience in Canada
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    "Express Entry" is part of Canada's FederalEconomic Immigration Program, designed to expedite the processing of eligibleimmigration applications and provide a simplified and efficient applicationpathway for economic class immigrants. Express Entry primarily encompassesthree major economic immigration streams:

Federal Skilled Worker Category: This category issuitable for overseas applicants who possess skills and experience relevant tooccupations listed on Canada's job market. Factors considered in this categoryinclude age, education, work experience, language proficiency, and other applicablecriteria. Applicants need to achieve a certain Comprehensive Ranking System(CRS) score to be invited to apply for permanent residency.

Federal Skilled Trades Category: This category isaimed at applicants with relevant work experience in specific skilled trades.Unlike the Federal Skilled Worker category, this stream places a strongeremphasis on experience in the skilled trades sector.

Canadian Experience Class: This category isapplicable to international students or temporary workers who already have somework experience in Canada. Applicants need to demonstrate their work experiencein Canada and meet other relevant criteria.

    Express Entry operates based on a Comprehensive RankingSystem (CRS) that assesses the eligibility of applicants and selects thehighest-scoring candidates for invitations to apply for permanent residency.The CRS score takes into account factors such as age, education, workexperience, language proficiency, and Canadian work experience. Applicants cansubmit their applications into the Express Entry pool and wait to be selectedfor an invitation based on their CRS score.

    Periodically, the Canadian immigration authorities drawcandidates from the Express Entry pool and send them invitations, allowing themto submit applications for permanent residency. Once invited, applicants mustsubmit complete applications and relevant documents within a specifiedtimeframe.

    It's important to note that Express Entry is a highlycompetitive immigration pathway, and applicants need to possess a high level ofeducation, work experience, and strong language proficiency to increase theirchances of being selected.

Application Process:

1.      Greenlimes team conducts a detailed assessment of theclient and provides a tailored plan, and upon mutual agreement, a contract issigned.

2.      Greenlimes team assists the client in preparing theapplication materials to the best of their ability.

3.      The application materials are submitted, and theCRS score is calculated for entry into the pool.

4.      Once the score meets the draw threshold, theapplication is approved.

5.      The applicant gains access to Canada.

If you need further information or assistance, please feelfree to ask.