Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a tool used by theCanadian federal government to assess the impact of employers on the Canadianlabor market when hiring foreign workers. LMIA is a process that employers mustgo through when attempting to hire foreign workers, and its purpose is toensure that hiring foreign workers will not negatively affect employmentopportunities for Canadian workers.
Here are the key aspects and steps of the LMIA process:
1. Employer Application: Employers need to submit an LMIA applicationto Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). In the application,employers must demonstrate that there are no suitable local workers availablein Canada to fill the position.
2. Labor Market Impact Assessment: ESDC evaluates the employer's application,taking into consideration the demand and current state of the labor market.They assess whether there are valid reasons to allow the employer to hireforeign workers and ensure that the recruitment of foreign workers will notharm the interests of Canadian workers.
3.Advertising and Recruitment: Before applying for LMIA, employers typicallyneed to advertise the job in the Canadian job market to prove that they havemade efforts to find local workers. This includes posting job advertisements onCanadian job websites.
4. Protection of Workers' Rights: The LMIA process isdesigned to ensure the protection of foreign workers' rights, including theirwages and working conditions. Employers need to provide detailed recruitmentplans and contracts to ensure that foreign workers receive fair treatment.
5. Approval of Application: If ESDC approves the LMIAapplication, employers can provide a job offer to foreign workers and assistthem in applying for a Canadian work permit.
It's important to note that the LMIA process can berelatively complex, and detailed information and documents must be providedduring the application process. Upon successfully obtaining LMIA approval,foreign workers can obtain a Canadian work permit to work in specific jobpositions. If you are an employer or a foreign worker, it's essential to have athorough understanding of the LMIA process to ensure that you meet allrequirements and conditions. If you require professional immigrationconsulting, please contact us as soon as possible.
Application Process:
1. Our team at Green Orange conducts a detailed assessmentfor clients and provides a plan. Once both parties agree, we sign an agreement.
2. Our team at Green Orange assists clients in preparingmaterials as thoroughly as possible.
3. Submission of application materials.
4. Approval of the application.
5. The applicant lands in Canada.